Substance Use

How do I know if I have a substance use issue?

  • You’ve tried cutting back, but nothing seems to work
  • You can go for a while without using, but when you use again it’s more than you were planning
  • You use more than you would like
  • You realize substance use is affecting your life, but you continue to use anyway
  • You choose using over other activities
  • Sometimes you hide the amount or extent of your use
  • Your work is affected 
  • Your relationship are affected
  • You are affected 

Using drugs or alcohol can have negative effects that feel overwhelming, and you wonder if it’s even possible to experience life on the other side of substance use.  Others may have tried helping or giving advice but that has only made you feel more isolated, because you know it’s not that easy.  They don’t understand that when you use, there is at least one moment that feels good, even if it’s fleeting. 

Recovery is possible.

Our therapists are trained in substance use issues and offer a non-judgmental ear to learn about your unique circumstances.  Together, we will develop tools to help you gain control of your use and develop ways to experience positive feelings without having to have substances.

What kind of therapy helps with substance use issues?

How can therapy help me with substance use issues?

If this resonates with you, all of our therapists are equipped to help.

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