Mental Health Therapy Blog2021-03-31T20:30:50+00:00

The Healing Power of Validation

The Healing Power of Validation Some therapists claim we’d all be out of a job if people learned how to validate each other. Yes, it’s that important to your mental well-being.  What exactly is validation? Merriam-Webster defines it as, “to recognize, establish, or illustrate the worthiness or legitimacy of [...]

By |April 12th, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles|Comments Off on The Healing Power of Validation

Supporting Bereaved Individuals

Supporting Bereaved Individuals Loss is an inevitable part of life, whether of an individual, pet, job, or relationship. The grieving process for everyone can and will look different, therefore the ways in which people work through their grief and amount of time it takes to do so will vary. [...]

By |February 24th, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles|Comments Off on Supporting Bereaved Individuals

I’ve never been to therapy – what do I need to know?

I’ve never been to therapy – what do I need to know? Good question, we’re glad you asked!  First of all, make sure you’re seeing a licensed therapist (or an intern working under a licensed therapist). For understanding licenses, you can refer to a previous blog here: For [...]

By |February 10th, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles|Comments Off on I’ve never been to therapy – what do I need to know?


Habit-Forming. The beginning of a new year presents an opportunity to create and work towards new life goals. As part of the process, individuals may want to develop and carry out new habits. Here are some tips to form and stick to them: Develop an easy routine Start small [...]

By |January 24th, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles|Comments Off on Habit-Forming.

What is the Placebo Effect and how does it affect mental health?

What is the Placebo Effect and how does it affect mental health? You’ve probably heard of the placebo effect; in short, it is when something works for us because we “think” it will work, even though there is nothing actually effective about it. For example, a sugar pill may [...]

By |January 16th, 2023|Categories: Latest Articles|Comments Off on What is the Placebo Effect and how does it affect mental health?
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