
Anger Management

Anger Management2021-04-01T21:41:14+00:00
  • You’ve have expressed verbal aggression or physical aggression towards something or someone
  • You have experienced multiple temper tantrums
  • You have found yourself throwing objects
  • You have been fighting for no reason
  • You have experienced road rage
  • Domestic violence
  • You have Irritability
  • You’ve have had racing thoughts
  • You’ve found yourself shouting more often
  • You have threatened others

There is relief

If you are struggling with these symptoms you are not alone. Here at Simply Thrive we help you develop beneficial coping skills to assist with anger management. 

Some of the coping skills are:

  1. Mindfulness 
  2. Identify possible solutions 
  3. Use “I” statements
  4. Think before you speak-act

When dealing with heightened emotions it can be difficult to keep composure but it is crucial in order to live a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Simply Thrive not only helps with coping skills but communication skills as well. When struggling with anger management it can be difficult to communicate how you are feeling. Simply Thrive can help you communicate your feelings and emotions more effectively in order to express yourselves in a proper manner. 

If this resonates with you, the therapists below are equipped to help.

Ashley Craft

Mental Health Therapist

Tracey Stracener

Mental Health Therapist

Kristin Harden

Mental Health Therapist

Kajal Patel
Kajal Patel MSW, LCSW

Mental Health Therapist

Milota Salay

Mental Health Therapist

Tracey Stracener

Mental Health Therapist

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